① Shoulder width ・・・Measurement from the edge of the left shoulder to the edge of the right shoulder
② Neck to wrist length ・・・Measurement from the center of the back of the neck to the cuff that passed through the shoulder
③ Sleeve length ・・・Measurement from shoulder seam to the wrist
④ Body width ・・・Measurement from left armpit to right armpitm
⑤ Total length ・・・Measurement from the back collar to the hem
⑥ Waist ・・・Measurement taken around the waist
⑦ Rise ・・・Measurement from the top of the waistband to the crotch seam
⑧ Inseam ・・・Measurement down the inside seam on one leg from the crotch seam to the bottom of the hem
⑨ Thigh width ・・・thigh width
⑩ Hem width ・・・hem width
⑪ Waist width ・・・Measurement taken around the waist
⑫ Total length ・・・Measurement from the waist to the hem
⑬ Hem width ・・・hem width
⑭ Width ・・・Measurement from side to side
⑮ Height ・・・Measurement from the opening of the bag to the bottom
⑯ Gusset ・・・Measurement across the bottom from center front to the center back
⑰ Handle length ・・・Measurement from the highest point of the handle to the bag opening
⑱ Diameter ・・・Diameter of the top of the hat
⑲ Height ・・・Length from the lowest point to the top
⑳ Inner diameter ・・・Inner diameter of the hat
㉑ Total length ・・・Length from the wrist to the middle finger
㉒ Around the hand ・・・Palm girth at the base of the thumb
㉓ Around the wrist ・・・Girth of wrist
① How to find out your size ・・・
②Wrap a narrow strip of paper (best would be have same width as the ring) or piece of string comfortably around your intended finger.
③Mark the spot where the paper meets and measure the distance. This is the circumference in mm.
④ Match the measurement to the circumference column in the above conversion chart. If it falls between 2 sizes, we advise you to order the larger sizes. Especially when you are choosing a wider ring.
Our clothing is both on-trend and made to last. While trends can be creative and stylish, we don't want you get rid of the pieces after one season. We take the current trends, and turn them into something a bit more classic and timeless so you can feel good about wearing them forever.We choose, we buy. We're inspired by the trends of the season, but also by timeless silhouettes and styles! We are doing the buying 2 times a year and we find new designers every season.We already have a trustful portfolio.
Production, design. We then meet designers at international fairs in Paris, Madrid, Copenhagen and we choose only the ones that have ethical manufacturing as a top priority and originality as their bible.
Direct to you. Even if we are ' a middle player', our products have the same price as if you are going to buy them from the designer...or sometimes even lower! And ongoing support when you need us, as the same standard as the brand/ designer may provide.