UN-SIMILAR, Studio Cabal`s FW2015-2016 collection, is versatile and luxurious at the same time, defined by a bohemian vibe with ethnic connotations. For this collection, Studio Cabal took on contrasting influences from the colonial period, harmonising them, making them current and reinventing themes from the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, the famous late Nineteenth Century Art movement.
True to Studio Cabal`s own highly nuanced aesthetics, the UN-SIMILAR Collection centres on deconstruction, layering and innovative tailoring coupled with utilitarian detailing with raw-edge treatments. It focuses on the use of organic and natural materials: wool, leather and silk contrasting to eco-friendly and sustainable ones, such as printed faux-fur.
All come together in an UN-SIMILAR Collection, designed for you to make a statement, defined and subtle at the same time, utterly eccentric. Think ethnic patterns with romantic touches and thoughtful details, loose shapes coupled with structured pieces: bomber jackets, overcoats, blazers and quilted vests meant to be worn in layers, as well as hats, capes and scarves. Think flowing lines and unique prints cut in feminine silhouettes, in a unique mix of bohemian and sophisticated sensuality with an edge. Un-Similar!
Un-Similar, colectia Toamna-Iarna 2016-17 a brandului Studio Cabal, este dinamica si sofisticata in egala masura, definita printr-un stil boem cu influente etnice. In cadrul acestei colectii, Studio Cabal armonizeaza si actualizeaza influente contrastante din perioada colonialismului, reinterpretand teme caracteristice miscarii artistice de la finele secolului XIX cunoscuta sub numele de Confreria Prerafaelitilor.
Consecventa esteticii Studio Cabal, extrem de actuala si nuantata, colectia Un-Similar combina elemente deconstructiviste, juxtapuneri si croieli inovatoare cu detalii utilitare si finisaje “raw”, punand accent pe utilizarea de materiale organice, naturale: lana, piele, matase, in combinatie cu materiale eco precum blana artificiala, imprimata. Un-Similar propune piese vestimentare care, laolalta, compun o garderoba excentrica, cu un stil totodata bine definit si subtil.
Asteapta-te la printuri cu accente romantice si detalii executate manual, siluete dezinvolte contrabalansate de piese in layere, cu croieli structurate: geci, paltoane, sacouri, veste de purtat peste palton, dar si la caciuli-palarie, cape si saluri. La imprimeuri stilizate si contururi fluide, intr-un amestec unic de boem si nonconformism cu rafinament si senzualitate.
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